Onlile Pilates Courses

Join unike online pilates classes and supportive community. Create a magic time for yourself! 

Online Pilates Classes with Leslie Logan 


Leslie Logan

Leslie Logan is Pilates instructor and founder of Profitable Pilates, an online platform offering resources for Pilates instructors, and Online Pilates Classes (OPC), providing virtual classes to a global audience.

I talk to women every single day who tell me that they that they want to work out, they want to feel like they used to before they had kids and a house (on top of their job), before covid stole what little free time they had left to themselves. They tell me they can’t remember what it’s like to have friends because they no longer get to the gym to meet people.

And so they wake up earlier, stay up later, skip their workouts or reading time – and then feel guilty for feeling frustrated, tired, overworked, under appreciated.

I’ve had this conversation hundreds of times. And it forced me into action, because I never heard anyone tell me how to fix it.

I felt obligated to create these new programs on OPC, because I know exactly how helpful they will be for busy, working moms who just want to feel good that they snuck in a workout after a long crazy day. Where we can feel like life is (almost) normal again, as we create time for ourselves.

Benefits of Practicing Pilates

Improved Core Strength

Logan’s classes focus on engaging the deep abdominal muscles, promoting better posture, stability, and overall core strength.

Increased Flexibility

Logan’s routines include a variety of stretches and movements that target different muscle groups, helping to increase flexibility and reduce stiffness.

Enhanced Body Awareness

Logan’s emphasis on technique and control fosters a heightened sense of body awareness.

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Connect more to yourself physically and mentally. Connect with Lesley. Connect with others.

Connection, Community, Consistensy

OPC has the most supportive members-only community that you’ll find on the ‘net! It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to Pilates or have been teaching for decades, or if you were trained one way vs another, you’ll be in a safe, supportive space in our group.

Pilates makes better humans, and you’re going to love how you feel!