About Me

I am Manasi Kamble, from India. My journey of weight loss began way back in India. But it was only about weight loss then, and not about healthy living. The things have changed when I am myself diagnosed with all the 3 lifestyle diseases – Diabetes, Blood Pressure and Hypothyroidism. It is now that i truly understand the importance of healthy living, of making healthy choices! So I urge all of you who are reading this to adopt any method that you think will help you get fit and in your ideal weight, before its too late.
All the research by the experts and by our own reason and logic we know that its best to lose weight by natural means rather than surgery or any kind of artificial ingredients. If you have done some research on weight loss then you perhaps already know that there are numerous resources on internet with all the fad diets. The biggest challenge for you is to gather all these resources and customize a plan for yourself. But what if you find a program already well-structured by experts and designed carefully step by step to take care of your daily nutritional needs. Please check the various programs I have presented in the upcoming pages.
Happy to Connect!
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